Center for Developmental and Observational Studies


The Palo Alto Center for Developmental and Observational Studies offers training in the following areas:

infant observation groups (Esther Bick method). - The Palo Alto Center for Developmental and Observational Studies is a member of the International Association of Infant Observation - Esther Bick Method (AIDOBB)

Group and individual training in infant/parent, child, adolescent and adult psychotherapy and assessment

The Palo Alto Center for Developmental and Observational Studies sponors research in the following areas:

infant observation and attachment theory

autistic spectrum disorders


the psychological impact of reproductive technologies

post-traumatic stress disorders

identity and gender issues

creativity and the development of an aesthetic and spiritual attitude



In recent decades we recognize more and more that the baby is a relational being with cognitive skills and subjective characteristics.  The observation of the baby and research that have developed in this area have contributed greatly to the understanding of primitive mental functioning in infants and young children, also paving the way for the prevention of early developmental disorders.

From the observation of the baby we can have a first look at how emotional and mental life are organized. We can also see the importance of early object relations, mainly with both parents and the family environment, which will be for him the first "world" around which he will organize social and emotional life.

By observing a baby we can discover the richness of his emotional and mental life, his capacity to respond to the presence of a human partner and his sensitivity to painful situations in the body, psyche and mind.



The observation of the baby in the family according to the Esther Bick method


The method of observation of the baby that we utilize was introduced by the Polish psychoanalyst Esther Bick in Great Britain in 1948 as a method of training for psychotherapists and psychoanalysts. Very quickly this training was expanded to other professionals and currently represents a basic training for all professionals in Children’s Mental Health.  The observation of the baby in his family (Infant Observation) has been useful for studying the primitive communication of the baby and helps the observer to develop his intuitive ability to understand the non- verbal and emotional communication in clinical work with any patient. What characterizes and differentiates this method of observation compared to other methods is the place accorded to the emotions of the observer, as a privileged instrument in understanding of the psychic world of the baby.

Training in the observation of the baby utilizes the observer and the working group to develop a state of receptivity towards all forms of communication from the baby.  This communication can be expressed through body movements, sounds, and emotional atmospheres that the observer is sensitive to during the observation .

The observer utilizes no particular "instruments" (as, for example, the camera or an observation grid) and does not take notes during the observation itself.  After the observation he writes and transcribes his observations in as much detail as possible all that he observes outside of himself, but also his own experience at the observation well . When the observer writes his observation, he learns to develop a capacity for attention and memory, while leaving space to be “surprised " by his associations that allow him to come closer to the meaning of the emotional communication of the baby.

The observations will be presented in the seminar discussion group, in which every moment of the observation will be analyzed by the trainer and the group to detect new aspects of the development of the baby along with the reflections and associations of participants. Indeed, the whole group participates in the observation and in the process of elaboration, allowing for a deepening of the "first level" of the observation and achieving a deeper understanding of the psychic world of the baby and his first relationships within his family. Through this experience, the observer and the group will not only see up close and participate in what happens during the development of a baby, but will also face the intensity of this emotional experience that arouses in him an understanding of the baby’s psychic life.  Group work allows the observer, with the instructor and other participants, to speculate on the psycho- physical and relational development of the baby from the elements that have been observed internally and externally.

Many mental health professionals can benefit from this training that is the essential base for professionals who are faced with the problem of early childhood, and for all those who wish to strengthen their attentional skills and understanding of the most archaic levels of functioning of their patients (children or adults).




LA HAVANE - CUBA 2024 22-23-24 Février 2024




La méthode d’observation du bébé créée par Esther Bick en 1948 (Infant Observation) représente un moment fondamental de formation pour tous les professionnels de la petite enfance et pour ceux qui sont confrontés aux niveaux primitifs de la pensée. Cette formation permet également aux professionnels ne travaillant pas avec les enfants de renforcer leurs capacités de compréhension des niveaux les plus archaïques du fonctionnement psychique de tout patient.

L’observation du bébé nous confronte aux mystères des origines de la vie psychique et à ses premières manifestations, au langage corporel du bébé et à l’impact de l’arrivée d’un bébé dans l’organisation familiale et dans la vie émotionnelle de chacun de ses membres.

Cette méthode représente également une grande richesse grâce aux applications cliniques dans différents lieux d’accueil du bébé (maternités, crèches, pouponnières...). En effet l’observation est une méthode qui permet au groupe de travail de réfléchir et d’élaborer le matériel « brut » de l’observation et de l’utiliser pour le développement de la pensée.


20-21 Février 2024 Colloque des Formateurs

Soulignons aussi les apports scientifiques de cette méthode dans la compréhension du développement psychique du bébé et du jeune enfant et la prévention des troubles précoces du développement. Cette méthode a apporté un éclairage nouveau à des pathologies graves comme celles du spectre autistique et a ouvert la voie à la psychothérapie de la relation parents-bébé.

Le XIème Congrès International sur l’Observation du bébé se tiendra à Cuba, et nous voulons donner, grâce à ce Congrès, une attention particulière aux bébés et aux jeunes enfants dans tous les pays d’Amérique Latine et dans les pays en voie de développement, où les enfants sont les premiers à être exposés aux changements violents des familles et de la société.

Ce Congrès se situe dans la continuité scientifique avec les précédents Congrès Internationaux, qui s’étaient tenus à Dakar (2012) et à Turin (2017). Nous pensons que faire connaître la méthode d’observation du bébé selon Esther Bick participera au développement de la santé publique et à un plus grand respect des droits des enfants, des femmes et des familles dans tous les pays du monde.

La formation à l'observation du bébé aide également les professionnels de la petite enfance qui travaillent dans un contexte multiculturel à avoir une plus grande ouverture et une plus grande compréhension des différents modes de relation et de soins aux bébés. Cela représente une base indispensable pour mieux entrer en contact et mieux communiquer avec les différents groupes culturels dans nos sociétés, pour aller à la rencontre du bébé et de sa famille avec une attitude de respect pour ces valeurs culturelles.

Au cours de ces dernières années, nous avons tous été marqués par différentes crises globales (sanitaire, économique, climatique et sécuritaire) qui ont profondément touché les bases de notre monde interne, notre façon de vivre et de travailler. La pandémie a eu des impacts sur notre intimité, notre relation au corps et nos relations interpersonnelles. Les effets du climat se font parfois sentir de manière inattendue et menaçante. La guerre et le terrorisme apportent drames, incompréhensions et terreur. La société est devenue instable, des conditions de vie de plus en plus précaires voient le jour tandis que paradoxalement les liens au sein de la population mondiale se densifient. Si toute crise est faite d’instabilité, d’incertitude et d’angoisse, toute crise peut contenir aussi, en germe, des possibilités de transformation et de création.

CRÉATIVITÉ ET TRANSFORMATION seront au centre de notre Congrès : les bébés nous montrent, malgré leur extrême dépendance, toute la force de vie qu’ils peuvent mobiliser pour faire face à l’adversité. Ils nous apprennent que le développement est un mouvement continu fait de surprises, bouleversements et de transformations au sens de Bion, grâce auxquels les éléments émotionnels peuvent être « digérés » et utilisés pour la croissance et la pensée.



LA HABANA - CUBA 2024 22-23-24 de Febrero 2024



El método de observación de bebés creado por Esther Bick en 1948, representa un momento fundamental de formación para todos los profesionales de la primera infancia y para aquellos que se enfrentan con los niveles más primitivos del pensamiento. Esta formación permite también a los profesionales, que no trabajan con los niños reforzar sus capacidades de comprensión de los niveles más arcaicos del funcionamiento de la psique de todo paciente. La observación de bebés nos confronta con los misterios de los orígenes de la vida psíquica y sus primeras manifestaciones, el lenguaje corporal del bebé, y el impacto del arribo de un bebé en la organización familiar y la vida emocional de cada uno de sus miembros.

Este método ha representado una gran riqueza gracias a sus aplicaciones clínicas en diferentes lugares de acogida del bebé (maternidades, guarderías, jardines de infantes...). En efecto, la observación es un método que permite a un grupo de trabajar y elaborar el material <<bruto>> de la observación y utilizarlo para el desarrollo del pensamiento.

Considérense también las contribuciones científicas de este método en la comprensión del desarrollo psíquico del bebé y de los pequeños infantes, así


20-21 de Febrero 2024 Coloquio de los Formadores

como la prevención de los problemas tempranos del desarrollo. Este método ha contribuido dando una nueva luz para las patologías graves como el autismo y la psicosis y una vía abierta para la psicoterapia de la relación padres-bebé.

En Cuba se realizará el XI Congreso Internacional de Observación de Bebés, y facilitar, con este Congreso, una atención especial a los bebés y niños pequeños en todos los países de América Latina, donde la vulnerabilidad en muchos ámbitos sociales se impone, y la violencia y la injusticia social impactan dolorosamente a familias completas.

Este Congreso tiene una continuidad científica con los precedentes Congresos Internacionales, que se llevaron a cabo en Dakar (2012), y Torino (2017). Pensamos que dar a conocer este método participaría en el desarrollo de la salud pública y en un mayor respeto de los derechos de los infantes, de las mujeres y las familias.

La formación de la observación de bebés ayuda también a los profesionales de la primera infancia que trabajan dentro de un contexto multicultural a tener una mayor apertura y una mayor comprensión de los diferentes modos de relación y de cuidados de los bebés. Lo que representa una base indispensable para [un mejor contacto y una mayor comunicación entre los diferentes grupos humanos dentro de nuestras sociedades, para ir al reencuentro del bebé y de su familia con una actitud de respeto de sus valores culturales.

En los últimos años, todos hemos estado marcados por diversas crisis globales (sanitaria, económica, climática y de seguridad) que han afectado profundamente las bases de nuestro mundo interno, nuestra forma de vivir y trabajar. La pandemia ha impactado en nuestra intimidad, nuestra relación con el cuerpo y nuestras relaciones interpersonales. Los efectos del clima a veces se sienten de manera inesperada y amenazante. La guerra y el terrorismo traen drama, incomprensión y terror. La sociedad se ha vuelto inestable, surgen condiciones de vida cada vez más precarias, y paradójicamente, los vínculos entre la población mundial se vuelven más densos. Si toda crisis está hecha de inestabilidad, incertidumbre y angustia, toda crisis también puede contener, en germen, posibilidades de transformación y creación.

LA CREATIVIDAD Y LA TRANSFORMACIÓN estarán en el centro de nuestro Congreso: los bebés nos muestran, a pesar de su extrema dependencia, toda la fuerza vital que pueden movilizar para enfrentar la adversidad. Nos enseñan que el desarrollo es un movimiento continuo hecho de sorpresas, sobresaltos y transformaciones en el sentido de Bion, gracias al cual los elementos emocionales pueden ser "digeridos" y utilizados para el crecimiento y el pensamiento.



HAVANA - CUBA 2024 22-23-24 February 2024



The infant observation method created by Esther Bick in 1948 represents a fundamental and important moment of training for all early childhood professionals and for those who are confronted with primitive levels of thought. This training also allows professionals who do not work with children to strengthen their ability to understand the most archaic levels of the psychic functioning of any patient.

The observation of the baby utilizing the Bick methodology confronts us with the mysteries of the origins of psychic life and its first manifestations : the body language of the baby and the impact of the arrival of a baby in the family organization and within the emotional life of each of its members.

This method also represents a great richness in its clinical applications in various centers for the treatment of the infants (maternities, nurseries...). Indeed, observation is a method that allows the working group to reflect and elaborate the “raw” material of observation and to use it for the development of thought.


20-21 February 2024 Trainers Colloquium

We should also underline the scientific contributions of this method in understanding the psychic development of babies and young children and in the prevention of early developmental disorders. This method has shed new light on serious pathologies such as autism spectrum disorders, and has paved the way for psychotherapy of the parent-baby relationship.

The XI International Congress on Baby Observation will be held in Cuba, and we want to give, through this Congress, special attention to babies and young children in all Latin American countries, and in the developing countries where children are the first to be exposed to violent changes in the family and society.

This Congress provides a scientific continuity with the previous International Congresses which were held in Dakar (2012) and Turin (2017). We believe that making known the method of observation of the baby according to Esther Bick will contribute to the development of public health and to a greater respect for the rights of children, women and families in all countries of the world.

Baby observation training also helps early childhood professionals working in a multicultural setting to have greater openness and understanding of different ways of relating to and caring for babies. This represents an essential basis for better contact and better communication with different cultural groups in our societies, as well as meeting the baby and their family with an attitude of respect for divergent cultural values.

In recent years, we have all been marked by various global crises (health, economic, climate and security) which have deeply affected the foundations of our internal world, as well as our way of living and working. The pandemic has had an impact on our intimacies, our relationship to the body and our interpersonal relationships. The effects of the climate crisis are sometimes felt in unexpected and threatening ways. War and terrorism bring drama, misunderstanding and terror. Society has become unstable, and increasingly precarious living conditions are emerging while paradoxically the links within the world population are becoming more complex and denser. If any crisis is made up of instability, uncertainty and anguish, any crisis can also contain within it the germ of possibilities for transformation and creation.

CREATIVITY AND TRANSFORMATION will be at the center of our Congress: babies show us, despite their extreme dependence, all of the life force that they can mobilize to face adversity. They teach us that development is a continuous movement made up of surprises, upheavals and transformations in the sense of Bion, thanks to which the emotional elements can be "digested" and used for growth and thought.

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XICongrès International / XI Congreso Internacional / XI International Congress 22-23-24 février 2024

************************* Colloque Formateurs / Coloquio de Formadores/Trainers Symposium 21 et 22 février 2024

DEADLINE 31.12.2022

Adresse e-mail (adresse e-mail valide) Nom et prénom / Nombre y Apellido / First Name and Last Name Profession / Profesion / Occupation Pays / Pais / Country Langue(s) / Idioma(s) / Language(s)

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Titre de votre communication


Titulo de la comunicación / Conference or Workshop Title

Colloque Formateurs - Coloquio de Formadores - Trainers Symposium

XICongrès International - XI Congreso Internacional - XI International Congress

Résumé / Resumen / Reminder Environ / Cerca / Approximately 1100 signes / caracteres / characters (200 mots / palabras / words)

Résumé / Resumen / Reminder Environ / Cerca / Approximately 1100 signes / caracteres / characters (200 mots / palabras / words)

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APPEL A COMMUNICATIONS CONVOCATORIA A PROPUESTAS DE TRABAJO CALL FOR PAPERS XICongrès International / XI Congreso Internacional / XI International Congress

22-23-24 février 2024 *************************

Colloque Formateurs / Coloquio de Formadores/Trainers Symposium 21 et 22 février 2024

DEADLINE 31.12.2022


Nous vous remercions de bien vouloir remplir ce formulaire avant le 31 décembre 2022. Ces propositions seront examinées par le Conseil Scientifique. Une première réponse sera donc donnée aux intervenants vers le 15 février 2023. Si votre proposition est validée par le Comité Scientifique, il vous sera demandé de bien vouloir régler votre inscription, le paiement validant votre participation/intervention.

Veuillez noter que tous les conférenciers devront payer l'inscription au Congrès avant le 31 mars 2023. Les textes des contributions seront à envoyer avant le 1er mai 2023. Au nom du Comité d’Organisation, permettez-nous de vous adresser nos plus vifs remerciements pour votre réponse à cet appel à contribution et nos plus cordiales salutations.


Le agradecemos que complete este formulario antes del 31 de diciembre de 2022. Estas propuestas serán examinadas por el Consejo Científico. Por lo tanto, se dará una primera respuesta a las partes interesadas alrededor del 15 de febrero de 2023. Si su propuesta es validada por el Comité Científico, se le pedirá que pague amablemente su inscripción, el pago que valida su participación/intervención. Tenga en cuenta que todos los oradores deberán pagar la inscripción al Congreso antes del 31 de marzo de 2023. Los textos de las aportaciones deberán enviarse antes del 1 de mayo de 2023. En nombre del Comité Organizador, permítanos enviarle nuestro más cordial agradecimiento por su respuesta a esta convocatoria y nuestro más cordial saludo.


We thank you for completing this form before December 31, 2022. These proposals will be examined by the Scientific Committee. A first response will therefore be given to stakeholders around February 15, 2023. If your proposal is validated by the Scientific Committee, you will be asked to kindly pay for your registration, the payment validating your participation/intervention. Please note that all speakers will be required to pay for Congress registration by March 31, 2023. The texts of the contributions will have to be sent before May 1, 2023. On behalf of the Organizing Committee, allow us to send you our warmest thanks for your response to this call for contributions and our most cordial greetings.

Rosella Sandri, Présidente d’AIDOBB

Pascale Sebban, Responsable de l’Organisation





Under this framework of training, Cheick Anta Diop University has created a University Diploma in OBSERVATION OF BABY IN HIS FAMILY AND ITS CULTURAL CONTEXT that the University and its Faculty of Medicine set up under the project described below.

The Training will offer the following features:

• The face to face seminars during which each participant will be required to work on observations of babies in their family, in the Senegalese cultural context, with the supervision of Senegalese and international trainers

• 20 half-days of work online / year (chat by Skype) with international trainers

-Active exchanges with foreign universities that will consist of: student placements in facilities abroad or internships of foreign students in Senegal, conferences and participation in international academic conferences between Senegal and foreign universities that support and participate in the project

• When necessary, an adaptation of courses to the local context through the intervention of local and international specialists will occur.

Accordingly, the general rules of admission to the program, supervision and procedures of the evaluation of knowledge and the conditions of issuance of the Diploma courses are considered below.



Article 1 shall be established at the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy of the University of Dakar a University Diploma entitled (DU): OBSERVATION OF BABY IN HIS FAMILY AND ITS CULTURAL CONTEXT (hereinafter the "diploma course "). The coordinator is a teacher of teaching rank competent in Medical Psychiatry appointed by the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine after consultation with the Faculty.

Article 2 the diploma course is a specific additional training by the University and under its responsibility. It does not entitle the holder thereof, ordinal qualification, except specific recognition by the latter.

PART II: THE ADMISSION Article 3 Subject to specific provisions in the Faculty of Medicine, candidates are allowed to enroll for the degree program:

• Candidates with a Doctorate in Medicine issued by the University

• medical interns who have completed their last year of medical school,

• holders of an equivalent diploma or waiver by Rector's order and after consulting the coordinator of the diploma course in the Faculty of Medicine candidates will be considered

Psychologists, social workers, educators • Nurses and midwives after validation of a test.

Article 4 Registration for the diploma course is determined by the examination of the application and after consultation with the Teaching Committee. The number of seats to be filled for each training cycle is determined by the Dean of Medicine after the proposal of the Faculty that is responsible for teaching and after consulting the Teaching Committee. Inscription in the diploma course is not final until payment of the registration fee that shall be set annually by the Board of the University.





Article 5          The studies for the diploma course lasts four semesters (two academic years). They include a theoretical and practical observational training. The curriculum is laid down in Annex 1 attached hereto.

Article 6 shall be established through a proposal by the Coordinator of the diploma course consisting of the Teachers Training Committee of the Faculty of Medicine and professionals whose competence is recognized by the University. Foreign teachers can be part of the committee. The Teaching Committee determines the orientation, the elements of the teachings and methods of evaluation.

Article 7 the training is provided by teachers and researchers from national institutions and senior trainers from Senegal or from foreign countries.  Training may also be provided by professionals from public and private sectors chosen for their skills.



TITLE IV. The assessment

Article 8 - the knowledge base of the degree training includes continuous monitoring tests and / or final examinations. It can be organized in the framework of educational units (EU). The Annex 2 attached to this Order establishes procedures for the dissemination of a knowledge base (theoretical and clinical). Continuous monitoring can include all forms of teaching.  For the final exam students should have met the requirements of regularly participating in the training sessions, participating in the practical work of observation and internships.

Article 9 - to validate the studies the student must have a rating at least equal to or greater than ten (10) to twenty (20) for each unit.  The assessment of the educational credits (units) the EU are vested and therefore capitalized by the student according to their currently obtained average.  Training for units that are not validated – the student retains for the second session of terminal exam, earning a score equal to or greater ALA average obtained in their components, unless written waiver is made before the start of the second session with the office of the manager of the diploma course at the University of Dakar – (University Diploma-DU).

Article 10 the jury of examiners for the examinations is appointed by the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine.

Article 11 The degree of the University THE OBSERVATION OF BABY IN HIS FAMILY AND ITS CULTURAL CONTEXT can be obtained after validation of all units of training and of through examination of the student’s work and theoretical knowledge and the submission of a final paper.

Article 12 the degree of the University- THE OBSERVATION OF BABY IN HIS FAMILY AND ITS CULTURAL CONTEXT is issued under the seal of the University.



Graduation University Diploma (DU). Objectives, program and

Educational objectives

• The training will be organized on the basis of the written observations of the baby in his family and observation in professional contexts, made by the trainees. Trainees will also be taught academic courses that will deepen their reflective capacity and expand their working knowledge of infant observation.

Educational coordinators will validate the program.

• 20 half-days of work online / year (chat by Skype)

• This educational program will take place over two academic years.

Background and Rationale

The observation of the baby opens the door to new scientific contributions that help us in understanding the psychological development of the infant and young child. With this academic training, participants can also gradually develop the ability of observation in complex clinical situations. The course also provides an essential contribution to the prevention of early developmental disorders, and it opens the way to new forms of psychotherapy, such as parent-infant psychotherapy.

Training in the observation of the baby in Senegal is also of great scientific interest.  This will be one of the first uses of this method in the African continent. This can help early childhood professionals to better understand the care of young children in the Senegalese cultural context where much attention is given to carrying the baby, being attuned to his emotional experiences and the contributions of the extended family. This may also be a basis for better contact and better communication with different cultural groups in our societies.


We have seen, in experiments utilizing infant observation in Senegal that the promotion of this method can actively help in the development of public health; provide a greater appreciation of early childhood for professionals and more rights and understanding of children in different cultural contexts.

General objectives

• Develop clinical participant observation skills;

• Strengthen the students attention and knowledge of primitive levels of psychic development of the baby

• Strengthen capacities for the observation and understanding of the body and sign language of the baby

. Provide knowledge of the main theories of psychological development of the infant and young child

. Develop understanding of the underlying dynamics of the relationship between parents and the baby - siblings, and the extended family

. Gain an understanding of childhood psychopathology



Target training groups

• Pediatricians, psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, educators, childcare workers

• CES Pediatrics (2nd year) • Interns (after 4 semesters) • Midwives (after evaluation of level of training) • General Practitioners



Organization of training


THEORETICAL ASPECT: The observation of the baby since Freud:

- The first psychoanalytic observation of a young child (the game of fort-da) –

- Melanie Klein and the emotional lives of babies and infants

-      Winnicott and the parent/infant relationship


The training method for observation of the baby in his family by Esther Bick:

Ethical Principles - observation of the baby -The impact of observation on the observer - The function of the working group and the elaboration of the seminar work group

- Experimental - Ethological - Psychotherapeutic: Different methods of observation

The observation of the baby by Emmy Pikler:

- The observation anchor for the training of health professionals involves reading and discussion of papers on infant observation of the baby in the African cultural context

- –The Observer in Senegalese culture: the meaning and impact of the gaze in Senegal

- The African baby at different times of its development - care practices, rituals, beliefs around the baby and his family - rituals around birth - The importance of the carrying in African culture

- The African family yesterday and today: the impact on child development

- The meaning of the practice of " fostering " a baby and child in Senegal

- The contribution of infant observation to understanding child development and child psychopathology

-Adolescence and the adult African environment

The encounter with the observation of the baby in different cultural contexts: an integration of the work of Esther Bick and Mary Ainsworth - The observations of Mary Ainsworth in Uganda

- The theory of attachment developed by John Bowlby and Mary Ainsworth

The contribution of infant observation to psychoanalysis :

- The skin as the first containing Self - concept of psychic skin (E. Bick) and skin-ego (Anzieu) - Anxieties - The primitive notions of containment (Bion) - primitive forms of identification: adhesive identification and projective identification (E. Bick, Donald Meltzer) - the birth of language in the baby - and clinical applications: - the contribution of infant observation to the understanding and psychotherapy of autism

- Observation of the baby and parent- infant psychotherapy -infant observation in different institutional contexts. Maternity/obstetrics departments, neonatology services, crèches, nurseries, kindergartens

• PRACTICAL COMPONENT: • The observations of a baby in the family performed by the participants:

Contacts with intermediaries • Contact with families while observing the baby • the prenatal visit and meeting with both parents • the first observation of the baby in the maternity department or home• the establishment of regular observation sessions with the baby in his family • the seminar as a containing shadowing experience. The importance of the synthesis of work group discussions • the development and understanding of the end of the observation

. Learning from the experience of observation:

Comments made by participants in various professional contexts: Discussion of observations made in the professional context of each participant, with input by the focus group

• Writing of an original article on an aspect of training or dissertation writing


VI. Organization of training

• Course duration: 2 academic years; • Oversight of Diploma Program:

• Coordination: Chief of Psychiatry; • Teaching staff: psychiatrists, psychologists • Number of participants: 20. • Rating: • Written and • participation in seminar discussions; • Interview with the educational committee.

VII. Content DU (4 EU) [total hours = 600 hours / year Tot: 1200/for two years]

VIII. Educational support

Coordinator : Professor Habib Thai, Dr. Idrissa Ba and Madame Rosella Sandri


• Madame Rosella Sandri (coordinator with Professor Habib Thiam and Dr. Idrissa Ba of the Educational Project )


Dr. Idrissa Ba (University of Dakar)

Dr. Momar Camara (University of Dakar)

Ms. Oumou Ly Cane (University of Dakar)

Professor Didier Houzel (University of Caen)

Professor Bernard Golse (University Paris 5)

Monsieur Pascal Corde (University of Amiens )

Professor Denis Mellier (University of Besançon)

Professor Sesto Passone (University of Louvain La Neuve )

Professor Brian Feldman (Universities of Moscow and Macau)

Professor Marco Francesconi (University of Pavia)

Madame Anna Tabanelli (University of Pavia)

Madame Régine Prat (Paris Psychoanalytic Society )

IX . Terms of enrollment

• A selection will be made by the local education committee and will require the presentation of an application containing the resume and a photocopy of the highest degree.


• Final inscription will be at the Faculty of Medicine University of Dakar